A Letter from the Executive Director

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Dear Friends,

We have had the gift of 7 women religious from different communities here on sabbatical for the past 6 weeks. It might seem like the gift is theirs, but we have been so enriched by their presence and energy. As a hosted group was departing last week, a good number of them went over to the Sister’s table in the dining room to say goodbye and hug. Clearly a connection had been made!

Sabbatical is a time apart, to rest and renew one’s spirit, to listen deeply. It might appear as if nothing is going on; however, a sabbatical time reminds us once again of who we belong to, our grounding. It’s countercultural in a society driven by success, wealth, and consumerism. It’s a witness in faith, to cease producing, to be still. It’s a reminder that one’s value and identity is not to be found in what one does or produces. The silence and God’s beauty and creative wonder here give ample time to pray, reflect, and ponder over all sorts of concerns and the condition of our nation and world. Out of that space, we have all been strengthened by the stepping aside of these 7 Sisters to pray and notice and be present to all that is. 

As they begin to take their leave and return to what they are now called to, we bless and thank them for the beautiful grace they have been to us. 

In Mercy,

Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director